
        Since I'm doing a fashion independent magazine for my foundation portfolio, I need to know more about it! That is why I began my research on how create the best magazine. I found that the target audience of typical fashion magazines range from women from 16 years old to late 30's. While doing my research I found out how many independent magazines make their money. Most of them rely on cover price of the magazine this helps with the production and materials of the magazine. Not to mention, other magazines use a lot of advertising and collaboration with large brands to get their magazines out there. Another magazine(one of my faves) Kinfolk has international editions and operations in Russia and Japan. An article on says that many independent magazines use the internet to broadcast their magazines and market towards their target audiences. Its all about appeal now a days what can get the readers attention the fastest  to sell your product. That is making my cove image on my magazine has to be amazing!


Baker, Poppy, and Claire Bradshaw. “A Look at Independent Magazine Publishing.” Writer's Edit, 24 Apr. 2017,

Matthews, Laura Isabella. “How Do Independent Magazines Make Money?” The Business of Fashion, 23 July 2015,


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